Monday, November 30, 2009

For the little feet

For my friend's kids... soft sole shoes, pattern is from


If you have a kid that refuse to wear hat, then this is the solution for you. Isabelle always throwing her hat everytime we're going out. It doesn't really matter in summer time but in winter time it makes quite a difference to wear hat or not. So after browsing around for idea, I come out whis this....

Not really original I'm afraid... but I'm proud of it because I came out with my own pattern... not that it's a difficult pattern anyway hehehe

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

FM Amelie

My favorite pattern, easy to make and looks good. This time size 92 with fleece fabric

Thursday, November 19, 2009

FM Ivy

Isabelle needs another pants... so whip up another Ivy pants for her. Size 92 this time, fabric printed denim

Monday, November 16, 2009

KM Skirt mei 2009

Another skirt for me. pattern from Knip Mode Special 05/2009, rok 105b, size 36, fabric printed cotton.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

FM Kati

One pair of blouse and skinny jeans for Isabelle this winter. She can wear the blouse on the top og long sleeves onesie. shirt is from my favorite pattern Ottobre 2/2005, no 11, size 92. Skinny jeans is from Farbenmix Kati, size 92.

Detail back pocket